15 cụm động từ dùng để " chém gió" tiếng Anh

Đăng bởi Admin vào lúc 21:47 - 26/05/2021
  1. TAKE S.O/ S.T  FOR A GRANTED ( coi nhẹ , xem nhẹ)

Ex: One of the problems with relationships is that after a whileyou begin to take each other for granted .

  1. LED S.O BY THE NOSE ( nắm đầu , dắt mũi ai đó)

Ex: They simply didn’t know what they were doing . They were led by the nose by manipulativegovernment.

  1. MAKE BELIEVE ( giả vờ, giả bộ)

Ex:I tried to make believe she was happy , but knew deep down it was not true.

  1. RUN AN ERRAND ( làm việc lặt vặt )

Ex : I had run an errand for my mother

  1. FLY OFF THE HANDLE ( dễ nổi cáu)

Ex: No one will fly off the handle for no reason.

  1. OFF THE RECORD ( không được công bố chính thức)

Ex: What the President said is not to printed .It’s off the record.

  1. DROP A BRICK ( lỡ miệng)

Ex: I dropped a brick when talking with my best friend , and now she doesn’t want to talk to me .

  1. SOME ONE’S CUP OF TEA ( thứ mà ai đó thích)

Ex: My Tam is my cup of tea . She’s so beautiful and talented.

  1. PUT ON AN ACT ( đóng kịch , giả bộ)

Ex: We’ve known you are a good swimmer – stop putting an act.

  1. COME TO LIGHT ( đưa ra ánh sáng)

Ex: The truth has come to light.

  1. TAKE S.T TO PIECES ( tháo rời cái gì ra )

Ex: We had to take the machine to pieces to get it down the stairs.

  1. HIT THE BOOKS ( học )

Ex : I can’t go out tonight . I’ve got to hit the books . I’m having an exam tomorrow.

  1. OUT OF THE QUESTION ( không thể được)

Ex : You can’t get married until you’re 18. It’s out of the question.

  1. BLOW SOME ONE’S TRUMPET (                bốc phét)

Ex: I don’t like to blow my own trumpet , but the office was much better run when I was in charge.

  1. FIND FAULT WITH ( kiếm chuyện , bắt lỗi)

Ex : You find fault with eveything I do !


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